June 23, 2011

do you pin?

I'm having such a fun time on Pinterest! It can get a little addicting but it
is such a great way for me to catalog things I love without adding them to my bookmarks or emailing them to myself. Even better than my starred items on my google reader since I can see the pictures.

I'm just getting started but here are some of my favorites

I'd love to follow you and you can follow me here. Let me know if you'd like an invitation and I will email one to you right away!

Update: This week has not gone as planned. Long nights, sickness and my borrowed camera was nneded back. It should be all ready for your viewing pleasure on Monday. Clearly I have no accountability!


  1. I have heard about it but don't know what it is. Send me and invite!

  2. Yay I'm so glad your on Pinterest!
    I'll add you to my follow list!
