June 20, 2011

evil plots and to do lists

Instead of starting projects this weekend I caught a bug that floored me. Who gets sick in June? I guess I get sick in June. My poor husband did dishes on Father's Day and made his own muffins. He was a good sport and got a new drill, so it hopefully evened out. I love that with the new house I can get him tools for the next 18 birthday/holidays and make it seem like it's only for him but smile coyly knowing that I secretly want them more than just as much as he does! And I happened to get a slamming good deal on the set at lowes AND some free groceries and cheap gas in the process. All in a days work people. Now I have to convince him that he needs an electric staple gun and my evil plan will be finished. I can be very convincing! 
 Don't worry I'm pretty sure he doesn't read my full posts. He's supportive but might just glance at it here and there. {babe, tell me if you read this!} And he really does want tools. It's almost like we're made for each other.

So now that I can install those drapes a little better with a much more powerful drill than I'm used to I better get going on sewing. Start the countdown!

On the list for the week:
  • paint nightstand
  • finish headboard
  • hang remaining art
  • bed skirt
  • sew curtains
  • finish it!
Why does that seem like more than I thought it was? Alright better get started. I think I may have a NyQuil hangover but after laying down for most of the weekend I'm ready to get to it!

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