July 18, 2011

500 days of painting

I've been painting and painting lately. Trying to get some things done so they can live outside my garage. Truth be told I am not even painting for me. So my husband is extra eager to remove the extra furniture from the garage. I cannot handle going to the garage for hours without bringing a little something to entertain me. I like to listen to books on my ipod or bring out my little movie player and pop in a season of friends or a movie. It has to be something I've seen before so I'm not tempted to look at the screen. Maybe I'm not comfortable with myself and silence. 

This weekend I listened to 500 days of summer. My favorite movie. Not one you should only listen to but I can, because I was painting. I had to steal glances at my favorite parts.

I'm always so inspired by this movie. I wish they showed Summer's apartment a little more than they do. I want to see all the little touches.

Tom's apartment has that sweet chalkboard wall so it's insta cool. When I was 17, I nervously asked my mom if I could paint the large wall in my room with black chalkboard paint and she surprisingly was cool with it. I never ended up doing it though. Why!?

{pics from lost and fawned}

Above all else this movie makes me want to wear the color blue every day until the end of time. 

Clearly I can still get a lot out of a movie just by listening. What do you listen to while you paint, scrapbook, sew or whatever? Or am I the only one who has to have my ears multitask?

1 comment:

  1. I do that too, how funny! I also do the revers as well... I can't sit in front of the TV unless my hands are busy, which is why I bring my work along with me. Must be a creative genius thing right?! ha ha
