July 1, 2011

before and girly after

 Miss L's room is almost complete. I have been busy with the projects and am all finished except for the curtains. The end is in sight! Pardon my cell phone images. I will have to borrow that camera again for the big reveal. I should really start a camera fund or something, this is just sad!

This headboard has been in my garage waiting for me to decide what to do with it. I got it for $19 second hand. I've gone back and forth about upholstering it and deciding on a paint color.

I finally decided on turquoise and didn't want to spend anything this week so I mixed some paint in my garage to come up with this after.

 This little side table has been with me for 5 years or something crazy. I got it at a goodwill in California for $3. I always envisioned it in my daughter's room. It's finally there now that she doesn't share with boys. Here it is by my future garden.

It's a pretty happy side table now I'd say. She was so excited when she saw it! And kept saying "my blue table is pink!"
 This is probably my favorite project and I'm pretty sure my beloved husband deleted my before picture from a few months back. This is an older project but I love it. This bench was $4 I think. I remember trying to talk them down so it could have been less. But after paint and some dollar fabric it's as good as new. And less than $10.

So if you can't tell already this room is bright, happy and very pink! I really resisted the pink. Especially painting the walls pink. But, I'm a softy and actually love that my girl wanted to be part of the process. Every time I show her something new her eyes light up and she thanks me. It's just so fun for me to see her. Hopefully it all comes together and makes her happy for a long time! It seems right on the verge of crazy sometimes!

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