July 28, 2011

the olds kids room

Just for fun I thought I'd share an old post from my old family blog.We had all three kids in one tiny room for about 9 months. It was a little packed and the whole apartment was just over 600 square feet. I often thought it was like playing tetris everyday to make us fit and have room to walk around and feel normal. My main concern was fitting all the furniture into the room to have the maximum amount of playing space for the kids.


Well, since this baby doesn't feel like coming anytime soon I will post the long awaited pictures of the kid's room. I am really proud of how it turned out. It became a slight obsession of mine because of the lack of space I really had to dig deep, measure and plan the space out. It took me a few months to buy and collect stuff as we could afford it. It all came together with the help of our tax return, awesome etsy sales and a few gift cards!

You cannot get the full effect with my fine camera skills and the small space but take a peek!

Just a few details...I diy'd some pillows for the bed that were found on sale at separate outings along with one she already had. These pictures we had and the alphabet was printed for free online.

I fit 4 of these bins under the bunk beds. I measured and guessed that these would fit and they did perfectly so I was finally able to take off the tags and throw away the receipt from January. I found them at target and had originally planned to get different ones from the container store but could never bring myself to pay the high-ish price and insane shipping. So I snatched them up as quick as I could when I found them at target for a third of the price.

My aunt Lisa brought these bins back from Ikea in Arizona for me thanks to a little facebook begging and my cousin Amy coming to the rescue! I was able to fit 8 perfectly in the closet. So there is a bin for each of their special memories. And alsoone for summer, winter, extra, too big clothes and too small clothes. Yay!

More artwork from an online source.

Behind the door is some much needed real estate so we took advantage of it with a shelving unit from home depot. One of our smartest moves I think! It may not be the prettiest thing in the world but it is pure function! Tons of toys fit and there is a {smaller target} bin for blankets for each of them plus a diaper bin. I already had the blue and pink tins but inside those I have baby supplies and for now more artwork to be hung next to the shelving unit...the dollar store frames I got do not hang at the same level so I need to get some 3m picture hanger things but, I keep forgetting. I got a really cute set of counting cards on Etsy and framed them. I will get to that someday soon.

It's hard to call this a closet. Especially since there are no doors but, here is how we maxed out their closet. The dresser was thrifted in the summer and redone by me. It was a hard rescue actually! I love how it turned out. I may change the hardware someday but it works well for now.

Here is the baby corner. We love his bedding! And it ended up perfectly matching the green bedding. The crib snuggled up nicely in this little space. And how much do I love the space under a crib!

The beloved and much awaited bunk beds! We got them from Walmart online and did site to store shipping for free. I really love them and the quality is good. They actually had the same one for more at RC Willey. Score! The bedding was a $25 steal at target.

I'm sure a lot of my Idaho friends do not get a room for 3 kidlets, I know my California friends do though! I Think we maximized the room as much as we could and it doesn't look or feel that small. There is still quite a bit of playing room. And the kid's really love it so that's the most important thing!

You should come over and see it!

I actually really love our small apartment. It may be for the washer and dryer and that we found a cheap storage unit for our out of season stuff. It's a cinch to clean and I am loving the area a lot. Plus I know we only have a year left here and it's on to the next chapter in our lives. Whatever that may be! It's the perfect fit for us right now!

And while I am here posting...

I will post the baby quilt! My awesome aunt Lisa patiently helped me make this quilt for the babe. I loved how it turned out even though a certain someone doesn't think it is "boy" enough. I honestly cannot believe it actually happened!

So you can see I've nested and am so super ready and now I've even posted about it. Come out and see your new space baby boy!

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