August 8, 2011

amber 101

With over 50 posts here I'm not sure anyone really knows me yet. So I thought I would give you a little rundown on myself.

  • I first was interested in interior design when I was in high school and asked my mom if I could paint my large wall with black chalkboard paint. And of course there was my leopard print bedding. Which I fear has scared me off of leopard print ever since. The real obsession started when I first walked into Ikea and grew while watching trading spaces. Luckily my style has been refined a bit over the years.
  • I used to be a pretty darn good dancer. I can say that with humility because I am probably not a pretty darn good dancer currently. I moved to LA from Boise 4 days after high school graduation to go to a dance performing arts center. My husband got a kick out of saying he was dating a dancer from Hollywood back in the day.
  • Due to all the dancing and mad flexibility I have trouble sitting like a normal person. {Currently my knees are leaning on the desk while I type} It's starting to be a problem now that I am almost 30 and should ideally be a good example to my children. I also squat a lot when doing projects on the ground. So there's a pretty good chance I will need my knees replaced someday.
  • I look and sound 17. Sometimes people ask for my mom or dad when I answer the phone.
  • I am one of the world's best servers. I waited tables for a good 11 years of my life. And if I do anything I am going to do my best at it. Which also means that I am a good tipper but only if they earn it. 
  • I'm kind of a loser. And I guess I'm comfortable with that. I used to be fun though. We need to make an effort to have more couple friends in Boise.
  • I am not a naturally clean person. If I start working on a project my house really suffers. I am getting better at this but it takes a lot of effort. I dream of having a cleaning lady someday. Just twice a month or something. I am also insecure about anyone seeing my house at all messy. But after three kids I am starting to realize that my life is just a little messy right now and so is other people's.
  • I love fabric and used to sell it on Etsy when we still lived in California. Which brings up the fact that I had 3-5 jobs at a time pretty much the whole time we lived in Cali. It's expensive there people!
  • If there was a way to make a job out of quoting Friends, I would be a rich lady. 
  • I remember EVERYTHING. Right, honey?
  • I will always be able to do the splits, always. However, I am not very good at walking. Or going down the stairs. I am super clumsy.
  • The best pen in the world is the Paper Mate Profile. Amen.
  • I love Zooey Deschanel and her band She and Him. 
  • I like to make up new lyrics to songs and sing them to my kids. I've always done this in fact. My favorite from high school is a very lively rendition to "Part of Your World" from the Little Mermaid called "The Bust Song". It's pretty good!You know you want to hear it!
  • I'm addicted to Craigslist. And I am convinced I could find a way to make a pretty decent living off of it if I applied myself.
  • I've seen Wicked 7 times.
  • I lika do da cha cha {I couldn't resist}
  • My favorite show is Project Runway. I do love HGTV too. I try to not watch a lot of new programming so I don't get interested and watch the whole series. Isn't that lame!? But that way I save a lot of time. 
  •  My husband and I dated for 2 years, which is like 5 in Mormon years!
  • One of my favorite things to do is recreate our favorite foods from California. I make the Melrose salad and carrot mashed potatoes form Lala's, BBQ Chop from Stonefire, Pizza and Potato Leek soup from California Pizza Grill and I can also mix up some Red Lobster biscuits Thanks to my sister in law's awesome food blog
Probably enough about me. What about you?


  1. thanks for the shout out. There wasn't anything on there I didn't already know. You can add a great mom that has lots of patience!

  2. I love u Amber & don't think ur a loser! U have tons of friends there just in expensive California. U forgot to mention u have crazy talents in the kitchen & make adorable hair things & love going to Target late nights with ashley!

  3. love this! you weren't a pretty darn good dancer, you were AMAZING!!!!
