August 31, 2011


What a busy Tuesday I had! It was a busy day but a happy day. But I could not commit to my 5:30 workout this morning. I slept until 6 instead of 5. I'm a rebel. Today I send my four year old on the bus for his first day of preschool. He goes Monday-Thursday and loves it so much. We went to his orientation yesterday and he refused to leave. It took a lot of coaxing but we eventually made it out the door without incident. Phew!

Here's my favorite of yesterday's pictures
Can she really be a first grader already?! Time really does fly. Last year I may have been a little obsessed but I took a picture before Kindergarten everyday for two months. True story. She's just so cute! Can you blame me? Now that I think of it it would have been a fun project to do everyday to show her throughout the year. Hmmm. Oh well.

Anyway, I was wondering what your take was on baby's breathe? About four years ago I got a bundle of flowers from LA's flower market and ended up with a ton of baby's breathe at the end and stuck it in my yellow vase after all my other arrangements were done. It ended up being my favorite little bouquet. So from time to time we now end up with a little bunch of baby's breathe at our house. 

Do you think it's tacky or beautiful? Or somewhere in between?

Maybe they will think you are crazy when you check out with 2 bunches of it at the flower shop...maybe not.

Beautiful for a wedding too.

I think it can be lovely and unexpected.

1 comment:

  1. I love your Baby's Breath Bouquet, it's both pretty and casual :) So excited to hear about your cute kiddos... but preschool!!! When did that happen?! My goodness time flies!
