August 23, 2011

painted pianos

I have been wanting to paint a piano for some time now. I know for some that is a sin. But an old boring piano would get a new life with a nice new color. After Design Mom's green piano rocked my world I have not been able to get the thought out of my mind. 

Imagine my surprise and joy when I walked into a clients basement and saw her old piano and said "watch out for me or I will try to paint your piano!" And she said "I would love that!" It was a moment. 

Because of another big yellow piece in the room I think we will paint the piano white or gray. Not sure quite yet. But I am excited! Here's a little inspiration for you to brighten up your pianos.

 {design sponge}



{pinterest-oh i wish we could paint it yellow too...}

Don't judge me but I would do it in a second. I have to get that old piano first though. Would you paint a piano?


  1. Oh man I would totally paint a piano. Or see if I could find someone to do it for me 'cause I'm terrible at painting.

  2. You know I would probably paint the dog if she'd be still long enough but I don't know if it would even occur to me to paint a piano. Love it!
