September 27, 2011

getting back in the swing

Thank you so much to those of you who donated or participated in our little paint project. There are a few things left to do but overall I'd say the day was a success. Everyone worked really hard and did a great job. In fact I'm still pretty sore! 

I will have some after pictures soon. I've got a few more things on my to do list for Miss Mary this week including curtains and pillows. I will share that along the way. 

Mostly I need to catch up my own place. And fast. Almost every member of our family is trying to win a prize for who can be the sickest lately. It's exhausting me! So yes I have to catch up on laundry...again. And all those little things that have slipped through the cracks lately. I need to get full gear into some Fall cleaning. Because we are going to stuck in the house together an awful lot any minute. It actually sounds rather pleasant at the moment. We'll see how I feel in March I guess. Hopefully this will be our sick time and we will have a healthy Winter. Cross your fingers.

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