September 30, 2011

impulse furniture

Look what I scored for $10 yesterday on an quick impulse buy.

I jumped fast! And now I'm not so sure the great hutch will fit in my dainty little dollhouse with 10+ windows. Hmmm. I guess we'll wait and see. I can always give it to another dollhouse if I cannot use it. But, it's all great so we will see how it comes about. I was really nervous yesterday when I opened the box for the first time. I've never built a house before. But eventually, I started to get really excited. Looking on Etsy for tiny furniture will do that!

My hubby is also finishing a model airplane for the boys so I think it will be really nice to have some gifts under the tree put together with love from Dad and Mama. I also have some grand plans for some clothespin dolls. You know to go in said dollhouse.

Well I hope you have a lovely weekend. I'm looking forward to mine. I also have every intention of painting two side tables and starting construction of the dollhouse. Picking paint for an all girl house sounds so fun. Oh and I'm going to my first bachelorette party. Can you believe I've never really been to one? The night before my wedding I had a very tasteful and beautiful little party that I wouldn't change for the world. But I am looking forward to dinner and fun with some wonderful girls tomorrow especially since I was assured there would not be of any kind coming. I'm afraid I couldn't handle that!

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