November 30, 2011

lack hack

At one of the trips to Ikea in Utah I decided it was time for a temporary coffee table solution. And what's a better idea than two of these? Can't really beat the price and durability.

But after getting them screwed together and seeing them in my giant loft...I was not in love. When I bought them I had no intention of keeping them plain but I figured I could live with them for a bit before I decided what exactly to do with them to jazz them up. 

I love, LOVE this idea. But maybe it wouldn't be practical. Since I'm a feet up kind of girl.

I spotted these bad boys topped with mirror over at Emily A. Clark Monday. Which really kicks them up a notch.

I also really love this idea from LGN. It's so simple and classic.

 Or this one from Jenny again.

Or if I'm desperate this looks pretty awesome.

For now, those side tables are sitting in a corner of my bedroom. That's right, they lasted all of 90 minutes out in the loft. Sad but true. Mostly because my husband hated them and they have really sharp edges. There were a few close calls. Maybe they could work downstairs for a time? Who knows. The good news is I can sell them for what I paid for them on Craigslist if times get really desperate. Since we don't have an Ikea here and all. I'd really like to make them work. Mostly I'm just tired of the emptiness in front of my sofas. The possibilities are pretty endless with this one so I just need to hunker down and figure out the best solution.

Have you seen or tried any lack hacks? Let me know if you have a good one? 


  1. Could you upholster the tops to make them more of an ottoman? That would take care of the sharp edges!
    I think the mirror tops you linked are gorgeous, but I'm a feet up kind of girl too. Plus, I keep thinking about all the fingerprints and smudges!

  2. i like all of those ideas! but... if you decide to sell them - let me know because i'll buy them! :)
