December 2, 2011


On Wednesday, I decided to throw together an advent calendar. We've never had one that involved activities before and I've been wanting one for the past few Christmases. So I buckled down at the last minute and crossed it off my to do list. 

I had hoped to do something like this

But, boxes at Michaels and not cheap and I didn't have time to wait for shipping so I decided to go with plan B. Which is figuring it out while I'm at Michaels. I landed on what I thought was a gift card envelope but it turned out to be a card the size of a gift card. I made it work. Here were my supplies.

I hole punched the corners and ran the ribbon though all 24 cards. This was the most time consuming part but it was nice to sit on the floor and watch TV while I worked on it. 

I played with a few extra embellishments but in the end they took away from the number and I liked the simplicity of it just like this.

{Pay no attention to the crazy reflection and business card I left in the shot} 

If I was to do it again I probably would have done white paper. But I kind of love it just the same. The kids love it too so mission accomplished. We will surely be busy every night with advent activities. And it felt really good crossing it off the to do list. 

Hope you are enjoying all of your festivities.

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