December 30, 2011

another wishful office post

In my mind, I have been decorating my home all week. It has been fun to daydream while organizing each room. It's a favorite thing of mine to do, but one I haven't had much time for lately. The floorplan drawings and endless ideas.I think the room I'm dying to tackle first is still my poor office. Probably because it is the hardest to organize. I'm sure that is due to there only being the computer and trusty card table in the room currently. Doesn't breed much creativity. 

We need flat space and storage and style. I go back and forth with the layout and how I want to incorporate the guest room.

There's the part that wants a built in double desk.

There is the part of me {a very big part of me} that still wants this desk more than food.

Another idea is to fashion a built in daybed with some storage on either side. With a desk on the opposite side of course.

I still am going back and forth with daybeds, hide a beds or upgrading our mattress and using the old one in the office. People need to sleep, people. But I need to have the room function all the other days. Of course nothing is set in stone until I start finding the furniture. And it will probably not even start until February or March but a girl can dream right. I think I do have the majority of fabric I need for the room. So that may be why I'm so anxious to get it going done. Maybe I'm just crazy. But this is what I think about!

Hope you have a great and safe New Year's weekend. Back with my resolutions Monday!

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