December 15, 2011

four christmases

Well, the truth is there are a lot of things I would love for Christmas. But I'm okay with not getting a thing. The past four Christmases my husband and I have not exchanged gifts. It looked like we might get to this year but plans changed at the last minute and it will be another one of those years. The thing is that I have really loved these past Christmas times more than those in the past where we had the luxury of spoiling each other a bit. Thinking of the true meaning of Christmas and watching my littles eagerly open their gifts has been all I could hope for.

Thinking about all the little things Christmas brings in the spending department was overwhelming yesterday. There has been a lot asked by my daughters school this year. A little excessive I would say. Plus, there are teacher gifts, neighbor gifts, mail carrier gifts and all the friends and family gifts too. So I decided that it was time to 

let it go.....

Some gifts will not be given this year. A few will be of course. But, most will not be. And I feel terribly fine with it. Even though the giving has always been my favorite part of Christmas. There may just have to be tiny notes and little sweet treats. Hopefully people will know that we love them. And hopefully people will know that we appreciate them. And hopefully I can continue to be fine with it and let Christmas come and go with all the joy and wonder that it should have.

The truth is, I have everything and more than I need and everything and more that I want. I'm a lucky girl. We could just tie a big bow around our home because what makes our home is present plenty. Plus, having our first Christmas in our first home is going to be magical. I can tell.

1 comment:

  1. I so needed to read this today. Thank you for the reminder that everything doesn't have to be expensive to be thoughtful.
