December 22, 2011

quick change

When Kirsten gave a heads up on the Land's End sale last week I jumped fast. I have loved these pillows for a while and at $5.99 {no longer available}and free shipping I knew I had to get them right then and there. A great deal especially considering the original $44.50 price tag.

We definitely need new pillows but I haven't been able to commit to any regularly priced ones yet. I was beyond thrilled that these came a little lighter than the pictures show. They instantly freshened up the whole room.



Yes the pillows and my styling {didn't even try or notice the ornament or box on the floor :)} need more work. It's amazing what a big impact a small change can have. And just how giddy I get. And all I did was stuff the free with the couch, ugly pillow into the cover until I go to ikea next to pick up down inserts. It's amazing what 12 bucks can do!

And no, I haven't committed to a lack makeover just yet.

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