January 9, 2012


This is an exciting week for me. A master bedroom install is happening Wednesday. I cannot wait to show you! Plus, everyone at my house is almost healthy again. So my outlook is much improved from a few days ago. 

I've also been helping a few friends accessorize their rooms and I will eventually show you those pictures when the are all done. And happily, there are things on my own to do list that will be getting done soon too. I feel like my New Year is starting this week since last week was a sick week.

It's nice to feel like things are happening instead of in limbo. Which I have felt in for months.

And the room with the roman shades is almost done too for those of you wondering. Just waiting on a few shipments. So fun!

So no pictures to show yet but it looks like there will be a bunch of after pictures soon! But since this post wouldn't be much of a post without a picture I will leave you with this picture of  pillows from a very happy basement I'm working on.

Happy Monday!!!

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