February 1, 2012

i think i can

Well, I hate to admit it but my resolutions had a slow start this year. Starting off the first week with three sick kids and beginning the second with one sick me. Doesn't bode well for cleaning, organizing and working out. Then, the in laws came and fed me insanely good Chinese food and brought loads of Oreos and peanut butter cups with them. So, February I'm going to have to have a reboot. 

I'm going to take a mulligan. Start over. Dust myself off and try again. Keep on keeping on. Just do it!

I managed to send out my little gift package. Simple but cute. Hopefully they get more creative like I want them to. I also managed to eat well for the most part. I read my scriptures but not much else. I actually have been pretty organized even though some days were messier than others, underneath the daily dirt it was organized. I took more pictures. I haven't been that bad....I'd say I've improved myself a little in 2012.

So one month down eleven more to go!

I'd say the area I'd like to focus on most is getting a few projects done at home. I've been slacking. The main reason being that my garage is freezing. Freezing! I don't want to be in there and my paint wouldn't turn out right. That's why I was super bummed when I found that the Benjamin Moore Advantage paint line wasn't sold in Idaho. I could have used that paint inside with no worries. What's a girl to do? Someone bring me a heater! I guess I will have to get more creative to meet my goals this month. I'm excited for the prospects ahead. 

How are your resolutions coming?

1 comment:

  1. Happy to find your blog! My name is Amber too! :) I don't find too many Ambers out there! I am trying to plug away at my resolutions this year. I have also put home projects on my list too. Little by little....
    I am your newest follower!
