February 3, 2012

too soon

Craigslist was a goldmine yesterday. Or at least it would have been if my spending money wasn't two weeks away. I've been looking for a desk that is affordable but also a desk that I love and it's been slim pickings. Which has been fine before since I was just casually looking. Yesterday I dug up some great and wonderful options that stung a little because I'm so close to being able to get one. Why was I even looking!?

Check them out 

Man this one is gorgeous! It's just barely too big to be my desk and just barely too small to be my dining table. And the price was high, but that was justified. Although you better believe I considered selling my dining set and jumping on this beauty.

Whoever this is has some great stuff. This desk is great too. But maybe a little small if I'm making myself feel better.

And then there is this one

Oh this one. It may be just right. Solid wood, storage, brass handles if that drawer on the left is a hidden file drawer I don't want to know about it. I actually did make a reasonable offer on this one. But I haven't heard back. If it was two weeks from now I would have made a solid offer on it. Oh well. Maybe luck will be on my side and this will be in my garage being painted soon {you know when my garage warms up}

This is about the time I tell myself that bigger and better things will come up when I shop craigslist with cash in hand. Which usually turns out for me anyway. Either way this card table I call a desk is on it's way out to the garage soon!

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