March 16, 2012

friday thoughts 3.16.12

Well, I'm feeling the 30 by 30 pressure but in a totally good way. I'm excited to get all these projects tackled. I still have about 3 projects to think up before the big day. 29 days to go! And because I like accountability, I'm going to tell you what the last project will be...ME! I have been working on eating well and working out. My baby turns 2 just three days before I turn 30. So I decided it was time to crank it up a notch. I've been doing pretty well and I will post my weight loss as project 30. Definitely something I've been working very hard on. So hopefully I can stick it out and show you my awesome results. 

I'm also feeling the LOVE! Thank you to all my new followers. These last few weeks have been full of comments and more blog views than ever and I really appreciate you coming to see me over here. THANK YOU! 

I also got awarded with a Liebster Blog Award from Debbie over at Visual Eye Candy!

The liebster award is given from a fellow blogger to a blog they see as up and coming. Blogs with less than 200 followers. Leibster is German for dearest, beloved and can mean favorite. I am so thrilled to have been picked for this. Tune in tomorrow for my 5 picks for this award. 

I have sick littles today so I am going to go show them the love. Nothing serious, but enough to make them extra cuddly and a little more needy. I'll take it and get some extra snuggles in. And hopefully some laundry too :)

Have a great day!

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