April 26, 2012

lots of buying

It's so much fun shopping for clients! It always makes me a little nervous though as well. I have been buying like mad for my upcoming playhouse project. And patiently waiting for a few things to arrive. I have ghost chairs that I got for a great deal but ended up on back order. While I keep telling myself that it was not a scam and they really will come even though they already took my money. I have all these worst case scenarios playing in my head. Yup, I'm a crazy!

I went to buy this from target for the playhouse loft. But it is out of stock for a few weeks.
 And now I am taking the chance to see if I can find a cute vintage settee somewhere in Boise before this gets back in stock. It's worth a shot. Another client found this while she was out and about.

Jealous? I was! I am hoping I have her luck while I am looking!

I have just about everything purchased and now have the task of hiring out the wallpaper and a custom window seat. If anyone has any good Salt Lake City area folks for me let me know! I would love some referrals. Should I try to hang the wallpaper myself? I never have done that. Let me know if you have and how it turned out. Especially if you have tips!

I really do love what I do!

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