April 18, 2012

when the fabric comes

You know that feeling of joy that comes when your fabric arrives in the mail? For me it usually follows with doubt and fear of the sewing ahead and the hope everything turns out just as I imagined it. I hope I'm not alone in this. I've got the fear!

I love what has come so far.I think all I need now is a pink velvet for the built in window seat and fabric for the backs of pillows. Oh and fabric for piping!

Here is the not yet stuffed pouf with the fabric for you to see.

Isn't the quality amazing! I am still marveling at the craftsmanship and price.

Meanwhile I will be practicing my sewing skills on pillows for my living room that will just about wrap up my 30 projects.

I think I may have seen a tear in my husband's eye when he saw the more masculine choices I made.


  1. Will you come and sew pillows for me too? :) I have stacks of fabric waiting for something to happen with! Love your fabric choices!

  2. Oh my goodness I love that pink pouf! To die for, I can't wait to see it all to come together!

  3. Where did you get that pink pouf???! I love it.
