May 10, 2012

balancing plans

Holy buckets it has been a crazy week so far. But crazy awesome! I am really trying hard to keep up with things at home and all things design as well. And I feel like I am kicking butt this week! Here's hoping my balance will continue. I somehow have gotten four new jobs this week. So much fun! And my mind is spinning with ideas. 

I was wondering if any of you out there have any tips on doing floor plans on your computer? I think Autocad has that but I'm not sure if I am smart enough for it :) Maybe my Dad can come teach me. Just wondering  if any of you had a brilliant suggestion for me. I will take it if you do!

A few of these projects are up in the air on the amount of rooms. I am secretly hoping for a little girl's room just so I can design around this awesome headboard.

What a steal! I really do love that! Look it's even double sided. Brilliant!

I guess we will wait and see if the girl's room happens. The good news for you is a few of these other projects are needing to be bust out pretty quickly. You should expect some after shots in June! So soon!? That is why my head is in full spin up in here.

I'm pretty happy about it!


  1. Don't you love it when you have that kind of week?! Yay, congrats on your new jobs!! I don't blame you for wanting to play with that headboard either; it's so cute!

  2. I LOVE that headboard. I would love to see it used in a little girls room. I use AutoCad for all my floor plans. I'm not sure what else is out there.

  3. Have you tried The Make Room space planner? Free and totally easy to use.
