May 16, 2012


I cannot believe it has been seven years since this little angel came into our lives. I could not have asked for a more thoughtful and loving little girl. The best big sister. A smarty pants little reader. A tender tiny thing who cries at movies all the time and is so small she fell off the growth chart. I am all teary just thinking about how wonderful she is and how lucky I am that she calls me Mama. Still. The best word ever as far as I'm concerned.

  I thought it would be fun to share her little nursery with you today. It was five moves ago so she probably has no recollection of it but it is a space I will always love. And I have to say it is the first room that I completely drew out on paper and turned into a reality. I was a bit obsessed! I was a lover of interior design but hadn't practiced much of it. We should have known then that I would be all crazy into one day. 

So here goes! Amber decorates circa 2005.

Her teeny 10 by 10 was not considered a bedroom but an office. So no closets. Naturally I went on the hunt to find or make shelves that would serve as hanging space behind her double doors.

While visiting my grandparents in San Diego my grandma took this photo and I ran to kinkos to blow up a big shot of it on foam core. Never will I do that again! I was ripped off. But I still loved it!

Her dresser is the first piece of furniture I ever painted. It worked great for so long. We sold it about this time last year. And it worked every place she lived even in that 6 by 6 foot walk in closet. Yep! I will try to hunt that picture down :)

Man I loved those lamps! Thanks Aunt Tracey!

My husband and father in law painted her room the softest pink and I stenciled words I thought would fit her all over the room.

Didn't my little makeshift closet rock!

And here is as much as I could fit in the french doors. The crib skirt and rocking chair hadn't arrived yet but pregnancy brain never reminded me to take new pictures. I even made the most random but perfectly functional slip covers for the rocker cushions. If only I had been blogging then :) Oh and that rug I seamed together out of two! I shouldn't have put it on a diagonal...but whatever!

Well there is a blast from my past! I wonder what a baby girl nursery would look like if I had another girl???
Too bad we will never know!

Love my little bug!


  1. How cute is she!!! What a blessing!

  2. Thank you for sharing this! Love you guys!

  3. she is adorable! good work on that one.

  4. You made the most out of that small space, no doubt! I love the dresser! She is so beautiful!
