June 15, 2012

heading south

Well today we are heading south. I have so many projects and DIYs coming up!

 When I was down a few weeks ago we bought this and I will be giving it quite the makeover to make it playroom safe and ready.

I thought I was quite the genius and very original until everybody started posting about it this week. But that's alright. Mine will be unique. It was priced right {$110!!} and fits the space PERFECTLY. I am so excited to see it all come together. We might use it in another space down there too. They have so many great deals in the Vittsjo series, check them out!

But, with all the projects and watching my kiddos down there I am going to sign off for a week. I will come back with a lot of pictures and projects for you. Curtains, puppet shows, chalkboards and all kinds of goodies.

Have a great week


  1. How funny that you got it too! It has been posted everywhere lately. Just shows that you are on point with the trends! (or ahead of the game). Can't wait to see what you do with it! xo

  2. This has me very intrigued! Can’t wait to see how you use it!
