July 3, 2012

caitlin wilson's home

Have you seen this month's Matchbook Magazine? I was endlessly inspired by Caitlin Wilson's home. I had been dying to see more of it and it did not disappoint.

I just love her! I think she had me forever when she said that her pink couch is a neutral {look it totally is!} And she just seems so sweet and genuine. I really wish I had some of her fabric in my home. Someday. And I cannot wait to see her fall line. Check out Caitlin's blog here and more of her home in Matchbook.

And I also have to say Matchbook has been the easiest online mag to view from my ipad so far. Thank you Matchbook!


  1. I love her! Her house is amazing, I would love to have a pink sofa one day.

  2. Pink as a neutral! Who would have thought! Love it!

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