August 21, 2012


Well, it's official, one week until school starts for my Kindergartner. Then I will officially have two kids in school and a lovely three hour nap from the two year old. That's when I will be able to start projects for my house again. I've missed it a lot. There has really not been time lately. Soon enough I can get to a slew of projects I have had on the back burner. 

Look at all this paint waiting to be uses. I scored an amazing deal earlier this summer where I got 4 pints of paint for the price of 2. So much fun to be had. And there is easily four times the amount pictured. 

Clearance mirrors not on the wall along with a gorgeous hand me down waiting for a new stain. Or maybe it will be limed, we'll see! Lately it's just kicking it with the bikes.

And surely I will have time to finish that green bathroom already! I'm just one trip to the hardware store and about an hour away from it being complete. 

Most of my extra time has been filled with client work. So I really look forward to taking some time out for me and my house. My favorite thing to do! And of course I will have much more time to be here everyday and much more to talk about too! Who's excited!?! I am!


  1. Ohh I'm so excited to see this green bathroom! That is my favorite color!

  2. Good luck with all your projects. I can't wait for the bathroom reveal!

    I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Go to my blog to get the details
