October 29, 2012

where did you go

Remember me? I used to blog here :)

Truth be told my family has needed me a little more than usual. There has been lots of doctor tests, juvenile hypothyroidism, one little surgery, a job promotion for my hubs that included lots of extra hours, a school bully and a bunch of new adventures over the last little while. While I was at it I kicked my house into major gear. Seriously, it's sparkling right now. With amazingly clean closets to boot! Speaking of, the toy closet really has rocked my world, best decision ever!

Now that life seems to be a bit more manageable, the stress eating has stopped. And I feel like I can have fun with design again.It was always there in the back of my head. And I did get some magazine fun at the hospital and doctors office too. The most exciting thing is my fancy new business cards, that I am soooo excited about.


They need to be shot in the daylight, which may not come today. But they are fantastic! Thanks Bridgette! Keep your eyes out for a little blog redo as well. 

All in all, I feel like I'm me again. And my family has been well attended to. Thanks for being patient with me. Back to delightful designing tomorrow!


  1. Missed your posts. Glad things are better for your family now. :)

  2. Sounds like you've had a rough few weeks, it's so sad when the little ones are sick. I'm glad everything's looking up though! Your cards look so good!
