June 15, 2011

grass is greener

Well, last Monday turned into a long process of adding dirt, sprinklers, raising irrigation holes and finally as of about four minutes ago we have grass!

Isn't it beautiful! 

We lucked out with our yard because the house is pretty wide so we got one of the biggest yards in the hood. There is one house with three lots that ours will never compare to! We left it at dirt in a few spots. To the right of the patio we will have a garden and to the left we will expand the 10 by 10 patio. Next summer I think we will add a patio cover by my friend Bridgette's dad. But, for now we are content to have this grass to call our own. I can hardly wait to roll around in it! Patience Amber.

In the meantime I need to try a little harder to find a table and chairs so we can have a nice, old time bbq. Who wants to come over?

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