July 26, 2011

art sources

The art was a mix of things we had, things I loved and thrifty finds. I had been cataloging art printables for a while waiting for the right moment to use them.

I used the hoops in the final hour, I was searching my stash for something else to hang on the gallery wall and stumbled upon these. Yes! I got the fabric from the room and had a nice pop of color. The square mirror and painted wood piece I got at a store called Utopia in California where everything is $10. I think I got it before my daughter was born actually. And the little square L was from Target when she was a baby.

The only thing I purchased was this print from The Wheatfield. I ordered it along with some others for another project in February. It really is beautiful!

I posted about Nicole's print here. My daughter asked me yesterday if we will have rainbows day after day. Love it!

I printed two from Lyndsay. She has some great freebies on her blog. Love is Spoken here is a favorite church song of mine and I love the quote. I had a sign made years ago that hangs in my dining area currently.

The bulk of the art including the other little wall of art was from Feed Your Soul art project from Indie Fixx. It's such a great place to look. I used these prints but there are lots more.

And lastly I printed one of these ABC prints from Kind Over Matter. The fours pictures on the skinny wall were from the last bedroom that all three kids shared. So we've had them for a while.
There you have it. A great way to have art when the budget is small. I think this is especially great for a space for kids. Have I missed any good sources? What have you seen to print in the world wide web?

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