October 31, 2011

cross it off

Our weekend was just lovely! We had visitors, candy and fun. I also had the opportunity to get things done on my to do list! That hasn't happened in about 9 weekends. Very exciting! To top it off I'm starting the week with a clean house. Usually Mondays are the worst, for cleaning anyway. So I have high hopes for a productive week.

What I was able to do was work on the dollhouse. It's been a little tricky because I can't do it while the baby is awake or the recipient is present. But, nap time was very good to me and I had a great spy in my husband. I finished the bulk of my sanding and painted the outside this creamy butter yellow. Today I will do the interior walls and tomorrow I will glue this house together. Still have a lot more steps but I think once this part is together I will feel a little better about myself the dollhouse project.

Happy Halloween! I'll be back a little later with a few pictures for you.

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