October 28, 2011

my favorite room

There were a few rooms that had me at hello when we walked through our house the first time. The huge loft was one. And this linen closet, that is practically a room, was another.

 As you can see we have a small pharmacy at our house. Complete with breathing machines and inhaled, pill form and liquid steroids. What!? Don't you too? Bring it on Winter, we are ready!

I just added these black storage boxes that I had. One has guest bed sheets. You know, for when my in laws bring their own aero bed to sleep on. And one has summer stuff in it. There is fabric in another. I think the last one is currently empty. I will probably put clothes there as the kids grow out of them until it's time to bin them. 

This house blessed us with an insane amount of storage. We actually have two of these bad boys. One is in our master bath and it is just about 18 inches less wide than this monster. We also have that under the stairs storage area that is currently holding that secret project. Someday I would love to turn it into a playroom for the kids like this one. Mostly because that would fulfill a childhood dream of mine and I would hope it would make my little ones happy. But I also wouldn't mind putting food storage there, storing some Christmas bins or someday digging a basement and that would be the stairway. So I guess we'll wait and see. Knowing me it will most likely take on every one one of those roles...except maybe the basement. I would love that though. 

All in all this house would not be the same without this room. Someday I would love to wallpaper it and have it full of gorgeous bins. For now, I am pretty content that it is organized. I think my favorite part is that we are fully stocked with diapers, wipes and toilet paper. In my world that is simply the best.

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