October 7, 2011

i'm back baby

I finally feel like myself again. Completely me! It's been forever and it feels good to be back! I feel like I can easily get moving on my project list. I haven't done anything on my own list for months. So I'm super excited to get going. Not that my mind hasn't been racing with plans. I must be crazy but I think the whole house is completely thought out and decorated perfectly in my head. And I pretty much finalized it all this week. I haven't even had the time to draw it out yet. But, what's swirling around up there has me giddy.

I should have pictures from Mary's house for you on Monday. Since it didn't all get finished we've been back to help and she has had more volunteers come too. It's amazing how many people have been willing to help. People rock! I'm so happy it's all come together. I was really worried for a while there.

I am looking forward to the weekend very much. I cannot do it all but I hope to have 1-2 of the following checked off

-paint end tables
-make a wreath
-get some pumpkins
-finish decorating for fall
-make those pretty curtains

-and I must do this too

I love them! Just a little trip to the dollar store...or the kids animal bin.

What are your weekend plans?

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