October 24, 2011

weekend thoughts

This weekend my mind was occupied with all things dollhouse. I got in gear and got it all started. I just keep telling myself "one step at a time" and it calms me down a little. So right now I am in the middle of sanding every piece of wood in the box. Ugh. This part is not a lot of fun. I think it may be the worst part of Project Dollhouse all together. Let's hope so! Because I cannot wait to get to the accessorizing part.

I've also had umbrellas in my head for the last 16 hours or so. I think it's time to introduce some into a project. I get so excited thinking about this project! I don't have an install date but it's gonna rock!

I also ruined my beautiful looking dinner last night at the last minute. We were devastated. Except for my little one who ate it up. It was edible just gross. Long story short don't confuse condensed milk with evaporated milk...EVER! I'm not going to get over it for a while. Plus, I hate wasting food.

This weekend also marked the end of soccer Saturdays and finalized our Halloween costumes. 

Hasn't it been the most gorgeous October? I hope that is a good sign of the winter to come. But if it is a super snowy one I will be content to hunker down at home with my family eating soup and hot chocolate. 

A lot of random thoughts for a lovely weekend. I hope you had a lovely weekend too.

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