October 21, 2011

a mini update

I'm supposed to give you an update on the dollhouse project today. I guess the best update I can give you is that I opened the box, read the instructions, got really intimidated and walked away. I need to buy some things before I can get going. I have a gift card to lowes so today the boys and I will go pick out some interior and exterior paint. And then I might take it to Craigslist and sell a few things to buy some furniture. Since dollhouse furniture isn't exactly in our monthly spending budget. But, don't worry I'm very resourceful!

I do have plans though! It's all drawn out too.

There will be a popsicle stick floor.

And a built in window seat bench for the dining table. Funny since I want one too.

I have a feeling my dollhouse is going to be more about putting it together and less about decorating it. Although I have a few things and I am super tempted by the pretty things to buy. Did you see Jenny's post today! WOW! Hopefully I can do both but I am way over my head here! I have recruited my hubby's help in getting this done. But he has a model airplane to do too. 

I don't think I mentioned that I got this little Buttercup Cottage because I was inspired my Livy's. Isn't it beautiful! I wanted to make one for my daughter. Sooo I do not want to copy hers but, I wouldn't mind an exact replica. The dollhouse is actually called Buttercup Cottage. It was less than 25 dollars to buy but, I cannot find it where I purchased mine last year.
As you might notice there isn't going to be room for much in this mini house so whatever I do plan to buy for inside will go a long way. I might have to buy an outhouse though....I also have plans to make some cute little clothespin dolls for her too. That will no doubt be in crunch time after the dollhouse is done.

The good news is that I am really excited about this project. I asked my girl what she wanted for Christmas last night and she said a Barbie house with lots of Barbies. Uh Oh! But, she doesn't know about this and I really think she will love it the end. Plus you know me enough to know that a Malibu dream home ain't going in her room!

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