November 2, 2011


I know Halloween is over but I did want to show my final look for my pinterest inspiration. Remember my inspiration picture?

Well here was my final display

I think it looked better in person than on my not so good, borrowed camera {I seriously think my cell takes better pictures guys} But, I really like how it turned out. I'm going to switch it into thanksgiving mode this week. I will be bringing in a bigger banner this time for sure. I will possibly raid my fabric stash and hopefully come up with something brilliant and free.  In time, I wouldn't mind hunting down some jars closer to the inspiration jars. Especially since I can easily move these three throughout the house. But I am excited to see how my little three letter word display progresses.

And now a few gratuitous picture of my Halloweenies

It was a goooood night!

Linking up to the Pinterest Challenge!
Thank you


  1. I've always loved that MS piece and yours looks FAB!! love your header colors too btw - pretty pretty!

  2. Love the display! So excited to see the cute kiddo's, we sure miss you guys!
