November 3, 2011

starting point?

My big brown sofa really bums me out sometimes.

Can you really blame me?

The loft is where we spend most of our time. I want it to be a little more cozy and colorful. I love how my whole family can snuggle up on the sofa and watch a movie. And I love that it is durable. It's comfotable too. I think the brown is what bums me out. Maybe it's because every furniture store I go to here is brown city. Maybe it's because I'm crazy. But, I have been at a stand still when it comes to decorating it. And fairly uninspired by color. Sure I have a plan for built in bookcases and coffee tables. No color yet. Until I stumbled across this fabric a few days ago.

Sorry it's so tiny but if you go to the sight and click enlarge it's really quite pretty. And I love all the color it would easily incorporate into the space. A nice starting point I'd say.

 calico corners

Of course this is all hearsay right now. I will probably start thinking more about this room around February or so, if I'm lucky. But, it's always nice to find something to remember and doodle about in my notebook! 

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. I will have changed my mind 20 times in a few months. It's because there are so many great options out there!
