February 13, 2012


Well we had a crazy weekend!

But all is well now after my sneaky little rebel landed himself in the ER Saturday night. Six hours at the hospital and a recovering Sunday wasn't exactly how I saw the weekend going. I think we are all ready for a new week over here.

There's some fun coming up though. In between the last post and the hospital I dusted off my sewing machine and made some curtains. I even played around with them and faked a pinch pleat. I still need to mess with the system but I think it worked pretty well. And I might even make some pillows later on this week. Who knows!? I think I've been a little afraid of my sewing machine. But I just had to go for it. Pictures coming, maybe even instructions {although I'm not sure they will qualify!}. I also redecorated my daughters room for free yesterday. The only reason I have for that is I was stir crazy and it seemed like the best solution :) Pictures coming for that too, as soon as I rearrange some artwork. Fun stuff!

I'm looking forward to the week. Does anyone else like Monday as much as I do? It always feels like a fresh start to me. Maybe I'm just crazy too!


  1. Oh my! I'm so sorry to learn your son became ill. I hope he's better now. It's always a scary thing when our little ones are not themselves because of illness.

  2. Can't wait to see the pictures- hope your little stinker is back at full strength!
