February 15, 2012


We had a lovely Valentine's Day over here. We usually opt to spend it at home with the kids and have a fun dinner with them. Then we will go out another night. I love these little dinners. Although after being out of the house the whole day with little prep time yesterday I wished we had gone out to eat. But it all turned out well, especially the fondu {or fun-do around here}

Other highlights from the day include cheese hearts for a preschool snack

balloons and a flower for the littlest Valentines. And the gifts for This 11th Valentine's Day together {wow!} The picture is rotated on my computer but blogger won't do it...Still pretty!

 I also wanted to show you the package for February. Have you seen the 13 ounces or less series on giver's log? It's totally brilliant. I love it! That is the main reason I was inspired to send a fun package every month this year. It was so much fun dropping this little guy off at the post office. I wish I could have sent out a ton of them. I cannot wait to send off some little Easter eggs in a few months.

Hope you had a happy Valentine's!

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