March 20, 2012

liebster blog award

I feel like I have so many things to post about all of the sudden. But I didn't want to let any more time pass before I talked about the Liebster award. I was really so honored when the amazing Debbie gave me this award.  I really love her blog Visual Eye Candy and was so thrilled she picked me. Check out her blog and her DIY projects. She's awesome.

Up and coming, me? I have been blogging for about 10 months now and there have been times that it has been discouraging. There were a few months with only one comment the entire month and my followers have been few. For a long time my Grandma was my biggest reader. Hi Grandma! And truth be told I can't even get my Mom to read my blog. And that's okay! I love my followers. And I have been feeling the love lately, which is such a good feeling.

I started this blog because I had been wanting to for years and the timing was right. I started this blog because I have a passion for decorating and design. I started this blog because I need a creative outlet that is all mine.  And I have grown to love my blog and I am proud of it too.

Another reason I was excited about this award was that I have been falling in love with new blogs popping into my world lately. And I am happy to nominate them for their own Liebster Blog Award. I would love for you to follow along with me here at Noted Home and I think these blogs are all worthy of your google reader as well so follow along. 
If you are selected, you need to:
Choose FIVE up and coming blogs to award the Liebster to (they must have less than 200 followers)
  1. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
  2. Post the award on your blog.
  3. List the bloggers you are giving this award to with links to their sites.
  4. Best of all, have fun and share the love!
And the Liebster Awards go to:

Jamie and Vashti of Like me Some are so sweet and have a great new design blog. I was instantly smitten with it and them.

My awesome sister in law Nichole has an awesome blog Cooking Cardmaking Crafts. I make her recipes a lot and the have all been so great. People at my husband's work have even asked to pay for a batch of my chocolate chip cookies which are not mine at all, they are Nichole's.

 Jen West has a ridiculously awesome blog Jentrified. It has 200 followers but I am counting it because I was the 200th follower. She is hilarious and has amazing talent. I cannot believe I didn't find her sooner.

Kecia recently started Couture Zoo a great fashion blog that is quickly gaining popularity. I've really been enjoying it and do need to work on my mom wardrobe a bit :)

Marissa of Everyday Lounge Act is a good friend of mine and her blog is great. This is one of my favorite posts.

Go check them out! And thanks for reading.



  1. What great blogs! I love Jamie and Vashti of Like me Some. I discovered their blog recently, and fell in love with it.

  2. Yay! Congrats on the award! It's so fun to be recognized for the amazing work that bloggers do! :) I am so happy to have found yours! I follow Kecia and Jamie & Vashti, but I am off to check out the others! :)

  3. This is so very exciting! Thank you! We are excited to pass the baton!

  4. Thank you for the award. I look at your blog often just on Google reader so grandma isn't the only one:)

  5. Congratulations Amber, well deserved!
