April 16, 2012

it was the best weekend ever

My husband and friends really went above and beyond this birthday weekend of mine. I was expecting a little dinner with friends Friday night, a nice gift from my hubby and a weekend of finishing up my projects and garden. Boy was I wrong! 

It all started with my surprise, my best friend in the world flying up to surprise me. My husband has been cooking this for months and months. Then he set up heavenly facials for us both and later we hit the town with a few of my best ladies Friday night. My bestie and I also picked out the same earrings without each other knowing and each bought them. They will be our new bff forever earrings. Just like our very own half heart necklaces, only cooler :) Then we finished up at the cheap movie theater with the movie, drink and popcorn totaling $5. My LA friend about died! I'm such a loser and never shot the whole group. I will always regret that!

I shopped more than I think I ever have Saturday. I love birthday gift cards!! And I was given pretty strict instructions to buy nothing for the house. Which I stuck to because my wardrobe has been a sad state of affairs. You should all be proud because this 30 year old didn't walk into the Home Goods section of my TJ Maxx. That has never happened before. It was a moment.

The best part was all the quality time I got to have with people I love. It's super cheesy but I have never felt so special! I cried when I thanked my husband last night. I also cried the whole way home from dropping Ashley off at the airport. 

And I'm sure you are all eager for my 30 by 30 update. You will be happy to know that 24 are complete but this tax day baby is going to have to file a week's extension to finish up the last six. I'm comfortable with that if you are :) That doesn't mean you won't be seeing a bunch of them in the meantime. 

I hope your weekend was as magical as mine was. Mine may never be topped. And I'm okay with that!


  1. Happy Happy Birthday!! What a great weekend and hubby!!!

  2. You are a special lady and I'm so lucky to call you a friend! 30 is already off to a great start.
