April 12, 2012


Look what's living with me now...

And I am in love. I'm not sure if this is where they will live or not but they are having their tryouts right now. What do you think? I might have to design my bedroom to work with them at the foot of the bed. We'll see.

I will be showing you my full living room next week. After all the projects are done. I did want to show you the full lamp now instead of making you wait. The lampshade is project number 11 that you've seen I think. You are going to get hit HARD with projects after this little birthday of mine has passed. Some are really boring and necessary and some are lots of fun!
And while we are in a coral mood I will show you my simple little Easter table. It's not winning any awards but I threw it together and liked it :)

There's still so much to do! I'm so glad I gave myself the challenge though. I'm getting a lot of little things done that have been on the list for quite some time now.


  1. I love the coral ottomans!!! They look very at home there :)

  2. Really nice Amber. You are so creative. I like the picture by the lamp too! :)

  3. Such a pretty vignette. In love with the little upholstered stools. I'd love to find a pair just like them!


  4. Love the lamp (everything, but especially the lamp!) I've been trying to figure out how to redo a pair of mine, and I just purchased gold paint yesterday. Shades are still up in the air, but your pics are very inspirational, thank you!

  5. Oh my I love them! They look so great there! I can't wait to see your living room!

  6. I just love the console table with the little stools - such gorgeous colours!
