May 22, 2012

art heart

One thing I haven't been able to collect much of in my 30 years is art. The last few years I have had a sense of urgency to get some. It takes time, sadly. But I am happy to say that my collection is starting out with a bang! Look what my sweet Grandma gave me the other day.

She painted it herself in 1972. And I love it! It will fit in perfectly in my office, {that is starting to come along nicely by the way. I will give you a peek on Friday :) }I just need to clean up the frame a bit.

She has done some amazing work and I am so lucky to have this piece. I also have an amazing and ginormous picture of the beach that she did. I am saving my pennies to frame that one because it is gorgeous. Plus, it reminds me of my life in California.

The best part about this painting is that it has such sentimental value. And I know it will be cherished forever. I love having history in my home.


  1. Art is such a personal thing to buy/collect, and I often think it's the hardest element of decorating/designing. I love that your grandma gave you this- how sweet! I found your blog via Second St East and I adore it! Excited to be your newest follower. :)



  2. Wow she has some serious talent!! How neat that she gave it to you, and it will remain in your family for a long long time! Can't wait to see your office :)
