May 18, 2012

painted baskets

I'm sure many of you have seen these spray painted baskets floating around Pinterest lately. I really love them! I am guessing the spray paint will make the baskets super durable. That would all be my own theory though. 

I'm pretty sure I am going to try this out with gold spray paint. And I am really excited about it! I will get three to corral the toy situation I have going up in our loft.'s killing me! It's pretty much that big boring brown couch and toys. I'm sick of the laundry basket holding them currently. Very impressive I know. And these will be much cheaper and faster than that wall of built ins in my head. Winning! {huh, I don't think I've ever said that before!}

I really loved her dipped baskets as well. But let's face it, the spray paint will be so much easier! And I think fancier too.

I wish that I was doing this tomorrow but it will be all garden, all weekend long in my neck of the woods. What are your plans this weekend? I hope it's something awesome!


  1. Love them painted! i think Jenny @ LGN painted hers ombre style..very cool!

  2. I love the glam silver look - I think they'd look great in gold, too! Glad to see you stopped by the SPA meeting today. :) I think I may have to try a little metallic spray paint & wicker action, next! Think my husband would kill me for spray painting an entire chair gold? ;)

  3. Ohhhh i love the silver!!! and i think gold would look great too! Have fun in your garden!!

  4. Loving the silver too! Enjoy the gorgeous end of the week, Kellie xx

  5. oooh love the look of those! And such an easy DIY too...great idea.
