July 31, 2012


I've always been pretty anti theme room. I don't mind a vibe. Like a beachy vibe. But a beach themed room, no thanks. A few months ago my mom was talking themes for her office. 

"Why not a beach theme? A lighthouse theme? A butterfly theme?"

"Um...how about a color scheme?"

Well imagine my surprise when a mega load of great condition pirate themed room decor landed at my door yesterday! 

Yep that's a pirate map rug! And while this is something I never would have picked out in a hundred years, I love because they love it. My kids played with this stuff for four straight hours yesterday. Ahhh, that's a nice chunk of time.

Pirates it is :)

And so we are heading for a theme room. I guess a free theme room will be great for a while. By the time they outgrow pirates I can have a nice chunk of change saved up for their big boy room. 

Arghhh! That was a happy argh!

And I would also like to ask you once again to save one of my besties from limbo. If you could hop over and vote for Andrea to stay. And I promise you this:

While I will ask you who to vote for in The Glass House, I promise to never ask you who to vote for in The White House! Thanks friends! And only about three more weeks and no more voting pleas from me :)


  1. You are too cute! I'm sure that the room will be really fun for the boys and that they will remember it forever :)

  2. I'm with you! But the boys will love it anyway! I voted :)
