July 30, 2012


Well to answer the last question, yes, yes it was a mistake to paint the bathroom. I love the color, the color was no mistake. But deciding to paint my bathroom the night before company came was a tremendous mistake. Especially since said company arrived 4 hours earlier than I expected and I was in my painting clothes from the second coat. And also my children were in their pajamas still and so on. Oh well! It's a good thing we are all friends! They ended up being minus a mirror in the bathroom for three days. Bad hostess!

But, you should expect that little diddy half bath to be finished up this week! Woot!

In other news, my boys' bunk bed is splitting apart and I am trying to find a storage bed that isn't cheap {well cheaply constructed} and that isn't ugly. It's a challenge!

I am thinking this is the layout I would like.

If only I could afford a custom one. We will have to buy made and diy a built in look I think. Man there are a lot of ugly storage beds out there :)


  1. Oh no! Your heart was in the right place and that's all the counts with friends, right? It always takes longer to paint something than I think it will, too.


  2. My storage bed is from Ikea and yes, it's pretty cheap and cheaply constructed but I like the way it looks. It's just solid white with no cheap ugly handles and it doesn't look like a little kid's bed.

  3. Bummer on the bathroom, I hate when projects don't go quite as planned. Can't wait to see how it turns out. And, I love this idea for the boy's room! It's so practical with plenty of storage.
