July 19, 2012


Life has been extra crazy lately! But we are enjoying our last bit of regular summer over here. My daughter starts school in 2 weeks! That is crazy. 

Amidst all the busy-ness I have been working on a few really fun client projects that I cannot wait to share.

One thing I am going to try to bust out before the week is over is greenifying my powder bath and hanging that giant gold mirror. Much to the hubs disappointment :)

I have also been thinking a lot about the boys room. Probably because there is a growing crack in the bunkbed and it's days are numbered. I really want something bright and fun in there. And I know there will be a giant octopus hanging on the wall somewhere. There's something to keep you guessing!

If I was on my game {I'm not :)}I would make time to do this project before my company came. We are just going to make due with fun and clean laundry!

But add this to my someday list. Isn't that a brilliant way to store blankets and towels!? Such a good way to use the door.

I hope you are surviving summer in your neck of the woods.


  1. That organization looks so good! Can't wait to see all your fun projects!

  2. If anyone's closet ever actually looks like that they deserve to be slapped. haha
