September 26, 2012

framed wallpaper

I walked into the playhouse I'm decorating to get the measurements and check out the space for the last time until I go back to Utah to do the install. heart sank. I knew it was the end for my first wallpaper project. The walls are textured. Super textured actually. I would need to hire out a professional to come flatten it. I didn't want to give up my frame wallpaper. So it looks like now I am going to frame my frame wallpaper. 

It's not so bad actually. I can do it at home and it will save me hours of time in Utah. And if I play my cards right I can pick up some sweet bamboo frames I saw at the wholesale frame shop. I'm going for tall and skinny. The bummer is that the wallpaper is currently sitting inside the playhouse waiting for me. I'll get it back :)

Look at these lovely framed wallpapers that have me inspired.

Spirit lifted! I think it will be the perfect solution.


  1. I love the look of framed wallpaper! I can't wait to see it all finished.

  2. Well, at least there's a happy ending! BTW, those metallic framed panels are so sophisticated - love that look!

  3. Love this look! I agree with Kim on the metallic wallpaper!

  4. So great! I’m thinking of doing this DIY project.
