September 25, 2012

can't sleep

This morning I woke up at 5:20 and couldn't go back to sleep for my last 40 minutes because I was OBSESSING. Do you ever do that? I wasn't worried about finances, my to do list or anything normal. I was thinking about this light fixture I saw on Bryn Alexandra yesterday. She was obsessed herself and passed it on to me.


That's right. 

I think I've almost figured out how I can turn a beloved Ikea Maskros into one. Almost, hence the lack of sleep. I can't get to an Ikea for at least 6 weeks so hopefully by then I can finalize my plans and be ready. I think it would be the perfect thing to replace the boob light in my front room. I have so, so many boob lights to replace....I think this will be a good one to start with.

What are you obsessing over these days?

1 comment:

  1. I have those days too! I hope you find peace of mind today.... even if it's obsessing over that fab boob light!
