September 24, 2012

new baby

This weekend we finally went from a one car family to a two car family. Ahhhhhhhh. So happy! And I am not ashamed to now be a van mom. 

Isn't she pretty!?

Do you have any idea how much furniture I'm going to haul in this thing? Look out thrift stores I'm coming!


  1. OK, I'm jealous. I have to go to the thrift stores to see if I'll be making any purchases and then I have to go back again to pick it up after I schedule a time with my daughter to borrow her jeep - I spend twice the gas and time making purchases. Hopefully getting a truck soon! Happy Monday!

  2. How exciting! Before I had kids I swore I would never own a van, but now that many of my friends have one, I'm quite jealous and might give in sometime soon.
