May 25, 2012

office peek

I'm ashamed to say that for over a year our desk was a sad, old rectangle card table. It....worked. We couldn't commit to anything that I didn't love :) And we needed something long. I finally settled on this baby.
And you may remember my mood board.

But how was I going to get the table to home to Boise?

I patiently waited two months until I found a way to get it home. It was a bit of an ordeal! But we did it!

The room is not done in the slightest but, I am feeling so much better about my little office already.

It's the perfect spot for me to sit at the computer and it's great for one of the kid's and I to sit and work on homework or color Octonauts. And if you squint your eyes really hard you will see an iMac...unless you are my husband or my wallet.

I have yet to pin anything on my pretty boards but that is on my to do list. Color will be the order of the day.

 And also a different angle. All in good time the printer will be across the room and off my desk. But, we have plenty of workspace here in the meantime. Oh, and look at my lucite stapler and tape dispenser I scored on clearance at Target for $2.22. I think I did a happy dance.

So even if I have this in the other corner, I am content with my office progress.

Who wants to play I Spy!? There's some good stuff in this pile. But not for my house!


  1. Looking good, lady!!! Too funny, I snagged the tape dispenser but did not see the stapler, drats! Your boards came out awesome!! Very chic!

  2. Love your office space! And those boards are so cute and trendy!

  3. Its really sweet and nice office interior. I am really impressed to see it. It make office more beautiful and attractive.

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  4. The office is getting there! The desk is perfect and I love the lucite chairs!
